

Receive the best possible nutritional support and advice regarding fertility, pregnancy, balanced cycles, endometriosis, PCOS, menopause, thyroid conditions, stress and other areas of female health. Wild Nutrition founder, Henrietta Norton BSc DipNT, has personally selected an exceptional team of female nutritional health experts who share her vision and approach to nutritional therapy.


Henrietta Norton BSc DipNT


We offer one to one consultations with our female nutritional health experts at our three clinics based in London and Sussex. You can also book Skype or telephone appointments, giving you the option to receive world class nutritional advice and support in the comfort of your home - or even at your workplace.

at Clinic
via Skype
via Telephone


ES Magazine


We offer an exclusive introductory offer to all of our new clients. On completion of your first appointment we offer a months supply of complimentary supplements from the Wild Nutrition range. See our terms & conditions for details.

Complimentary products


Henrietta and her team of Nutritional Therapists combine the inherent wisdom and nurturing capabilities of food with the science of evidence-based nutritional medicine.

What is nutritional therapy?

Nutritional therapy is the maintenance and optimisation of health through good nutrition. It is the application of nutrition and health science to enable you to maximise your health potential through a healthy diet and lifestyle.

A nutritional therapy consultation with one of our therapists is an assessment of your health picture, considering your full health and lifestyle history, diet, and the areas of your health you would like to optimize or goals you wish to achieve. Our support at Wild Clinics is based on the principle that good health and vitality is more than just the absence of disease.

We develop a consultation programme that is completely unique to you. This means we approach you as an individual and consider your whole health picture rather than focusing simply on any condition you may present with. A diagnosis from a doctor, or other health complaint, may appear similar amongst individuals, but how you have got to that point and the support you need to receive in the future may be different.

What areas of your health do we look at?

    • Optimizing healthy energy levels
    • Supporting healthy weight
    • Promoting emotional and psychological wellbeing
    • Supporting healthy female hormonal systems and life stages, including PMS, thyroid disorders and menopause
    • Supporting healthy fertility and pregnancy
    • Optimizing gastrointestinal health to promote healthy digestion
    • Helping to promote tolerance to a wide range of foods or food groups
    • Supporting routes of elimination and detoxification (the colon, the kidneys and bladder, the lymphatic system, the liver and more)
    • Supporting a healthy immune system

We believe that our role as your therapist is to:

    • Work with the healing power of nature, trusting your body's inherent powers of recovery
    • Support your knowledge in the art of self-care and a deeper understanding of your body’s needs in order to achieve optimal health
    • Support your understanding of food selection, preparation and eating as a healing art
    • Use the most natural, least toxic or invasive therapies first

What happens before my first consultation?

A questionnaire and food diary will be sent to you to complete prior to your consultation. The health questions are purposefully detailed and the information provided will make a big difference to your consultation and the help your practitioner can give.

What happens during my first consultation?

The initial consultation will be one hour. During this time, the practitioner will examine your medical history and current symptoms, lifestyle, and dietary picture. You will also be asked about areas of focus you would like to work on and if you have any health goals. The process is therefore suitable for those who are looking for help with serious health issues as well as those who wish to improve an already good health foundation. The consultation discussion will allow you to leave with an understanding of your body’s nutritional status and an effective programme to support your route to optimizing health.

Practical, financial and personal considerations are valued and an achievable plan will be put in place with which you can feel both comfortable and confident.

What happens before my first consultation?

A questionnaire and food diary will be sent to you to complete prior to your consultation. The health questions are purposefully detailed and the information provided will make a big difference to your consultation and the help your practitioner can give.

Nutritional or functional tests

Your practitioner may also discuss with you if you require any functional or nutritional health tests through your doctor or completed with another laboratory. Tests may require a sample of blood, urine, hair, saliva or your stools. Some tests require you to visit a laboratory while some may be easily conducted in the comfort of your home.

What happens after the consultation?

A tailored nutritional action plan will be sent within 72 hours of your appointment for you to incorporate straight away. This will include action points that you have previously agreed with the practitioner on dietary and lifestyle changes with information sheets and recipes to accompany these. You will also receive a personalized supplement programme and information about conducting health tests (if required).

Exclusive gift for new clients

After your initial consultation, your first set of Wild Nutrition products (as personally recommended by your nutritional therapist) will be gifted to you free of charge. This is to welcome you to working with us as part of your journey towards optimal health.

How many consultations will I need?

Nutritional therapy is a step-by-step process, and several sessions are therefore required in order to complete this process. The work you do with the practitioner is deliberately intensified, so that you reach a position of balance in a shorter period of time (far greater progress than you would achieve by yourself in a much longer period of time). It varies from client to client but, commonly, a client should have a follow-up appointment within 4-5 weeks of the initial consultation. This can be followed by a further consultation 4-5 weeks later and an additional follow up 6-8 weeks after that. Further follow-ups may be necessary and mutually agreed. Please expect the need to book at least 2 sessions following your first appointment. You may then be placed on a maintenance plan once the intensified months are completed. Our ethos is very much to give you the necessary tools to let your body take care of itself in the longer term, so that you have a feeling of control over your body and life.

Follow up consultations

Follow-up consultations are usually 30 minutes, but you can also book a one-hour follow up. These are scheduled between three and six weeks after the first consultation. Nutritional therapy is a step by step process, often working towards not one but many goals or outcomes. Follow-ups are your opportunity to ask any questions about your ongoing programme, discuss any changes you are experiencing, go through any test results and more. You will receive another updated and adjusted plan after any follow up consultation.

Appointments can be made to see one of our therapists in person or via Skype. Please use the Bookings page or call 01273 477898 to make an appointment.



Our Nutritional Therapists at Wild Clinics have been chosen for their discerning approach to functional nutritional testing, choosing the most appropriate health tests for each individual. There are any number of ways to test certain nutrients or biochemical markers and only by selecting the correct method may an accurate reflection of a client’s situation be obtained.

What areas of your health do we look at?

For some clients, as part of your Wild Clinics therapy action plan, it may be helpful for you to undergo tests that are not offered by your GP or through your surgery/hospital, although in many cases we always aim to start with your GP so it’s more cost effective for you.

Wild Clinics use the most advanced and respected medical laboratories for analysis of body chemistry and function. These laboratories are headed by medical and nutritional research teams and used by nutritional therapists, medical physicians and other health practitioners. Health tests are continually being developed and Wild Clinic practitioners regularly attend training with these laboratories to maintain their high level of understanding and stay abreast of the latest developments in research.

Our role as a skilled Wild Clinic practitioner is to interpret these results, apply them to your symptoms and provide appropriate dietary and lifestyle support as a result.

Tests may require a sample of blood, urine, hair, salvia or stools. Some tests require clients to visit a laboratory while many are easily conducted in the comfort of their own home.

  • Test results may give helpful general insight which forms part of your unique health picture. This is especially important when an issue is suspected from symptoms, but a test would allow a more confirmed position. This allows the practitioner to choose the most accurate way forward.
  • Regular testing provides a means of monitoring change and progress, where a before, during and after view can be helpful.
  • Tests may identify your levels of nutrients including vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. This is particularly helpful if there are suspected issues of deficiency, insufficiency or even excess.
  • Functional tests may give us a very comprehensive picture of the digestive system, neurotransmitter function or hormonal changes (such as the sex, adrenal and thyroid hormones) that may be affecting your mood, sleep or menstrual cycle, for example, that would otherwise have been missed in standard testing. Sophisticated private testing is able to show shifts and changes over a period of time which can be more accurate than one single measurement.
  • Tests may help to identify how well you tolerate certain foods or food groups.
  • Tests for genetic variations can empower you with the knowledge to adapt your diet and lifestyle in a way that will optimise your health and offer prevention against disease.
  • At certain life stages (e.g. pre-conception, menopause), tests may be helpful to optimize health during that specific stage.

Your practitioner will speak to you about testing, if required, during your consultation. Please note that the price of tests is not included in your fees for the consultation.


“Over the last 10 years working in women’s health I have deepened my vision to create a space for women that nurtures and balances their mind, body and soul. To provide a space to navigate the complexities of your health with a highly trained, soul-ful practitioner. Wild Clinics is this vision. We believe in an intelligent and heartfelt approach to health and well-being that encompasses nourishment through food, spiritual growth and emotional happiness. Underpinning everything we do, is our desire to help you find more health, balance and happiness so you can live to your fullest self.”

Henrietta Norton BSc DipNT, Wild Nutrition Founder & Technical Director

Wild Clinics redefines nutrition practice, uniting a functional medicine approach with the fundamental need to view health as a ‘whole-body’ experience, respecting the influence of the mind, body and spirit. We refer to this approach as 360° Wellness. Henrietta Norton’s team at Wild Clinics also incorporates the principles of Functional Medicine and Naturopathic Nutrition. They both promote that therapeutic protocols should address root causes rather than just symptoms.

This fuses the latest research in nutritional medicine combined with the wisdom of healing through traditional natural approaches.

Our support is client-centred, putting you at the centre of the consultation and recognising your unique biochemical status as well as any nutritional, immunological, detoxification, endocrine and gastro-intestinal imbalances.

We believe that lifestyle, as well as diet, plays a big part in health. We help you to understand this and how lifestyle changes can support all areas of health including emotional and psychological well-being.

This means the practitioners will be interested in more than just what you are eating. They will be examining the psychological and social aspects of your relationship to food and diet and how this informs your choices and habits. They will be learning about you as a person – what your life is like and how this influences your current health picture and potential to achieve personal health and lifestyle goals. For example, we care if you get enough sleep, are you happy in your job or personal life.

Where appropriate the team will inform your GP or other medical consultants of the treatment plan with your consent. This open communication encourages a collaborative approach to support your wellbeing. We also work in close company with other health specialists and where necessary may recommend you for supportive treatment such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, cranial osteopathy, counselling, yoga and more.



Each therapist at Wild Clinics has been carefully selected by Henrietta Norton for their advanced knowledge of evidence-based nutritional science, significant experience and warmth of personality to provide unparalleled nutrition and lifestyle support to nurture women through every stage of life.

Our team follow the the principles of Functional Medicine and Naturopathic Nutrition. Both these principles promote that therapeutic protocols should address root causes rather than just symptoms. The practice focus is on prevention and restoring health by understanding biochemical individuality.

Practitioners are able recommend and interpret functional and nutritional health tests.

Practitioners maintain their professional practice and high level of understanding by regularly attending training with laboratories, established health institutes and nutritional or medical seminars. This enables them to keep up to date with latest research, practical applications and, most importantly, safe practice.

Practitioners teach and lecture to medical and nutritional professionals, members of the public and are regularly sought after as nutrition experts by the media.

Henrietta Norton


Nutrition Director

  • Registered nutritional therapist
  • 13 years clinical experience
  • Functional Medicine AFMCP graduate
  • Registered Foresight Preconception Practitioner
  • Currently completing MSc in Nutritional Medicine

Key areas of expertise

  • Expert on endometriosis nutrition
  • Hormonal, menstrual, gynecological health conditions (including PCOS)
  • Female support (teenage > menopausal years)
  • Stress and fatigue
  • Fertility, pregnancy and motherhood nutrition
  • Infant and children's health

Other areas of expertise & professional experience

    • Founder and product formulator at Wild Nutrition
    • Author of Take Control of Your Endometriosis and Your Pregnancy Nutrition Guide
    • Expert comprehension of the uses and benefits of Food-Grown® nutrients

"My background is as a Mental Health Consultant, PCP Psychologist and a UKCP and EAP registered psychotherapist. I have worked in this field for 35 years with a special interest in the effects of food and hormones on mental health.I wrote an NHS approved Care Programme for the treatment of eating disorders in a therapeutic community addressing the whole person instead of just the disordered behaviour. It is from this professional experience as well as a personal viewpoint that I can thoroughly endorse the work of Henrietta and her team. Henrietta is an outstanding clinician and therapist with a rare wisdom and grace in her work, She combines integrity and knowledge with compassion and generosity and I have no hesitation in recommending her and her team to those in need of her help and advice." Eileen Murphy, clinical Psychologist.

Lorna Driver-Davies


Senior Nutritional Therapist

  • Registered nutritional therapist
  • 9 years clinical experience
  • Herbal medicine dispenser
  • Previously worked with Henrietta in our Belgravia, London clinic 

Key areas of expertise

  • Female support (teenage > menopausal years)
  • Adrenal gland and thyroid health
  • Stress and fatigue
  • Hormonal, menstrual and gynecological health conditions (including PCOS & endometriosis/adenomyosis)
  • The fertility and pregnancy journey
  • Herbal medicine and botanicals
  • Recognises the role of the immune system, the digestive system, detoxification and genetics in hormone health
  • A thorough understanding of the benefits of Food-Grown® nutrients

Other areas of expertise & professional experience

    • Regularly lectures to the public and professionals on women's health at all life stages
    • Lectures on the nutrition module for the RSCH specialist endometriosis nurses' course entitled 'Caring for Endometriosis Patients'
    • Nutrition speaker for The British Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy
    • Published work: Case chapter on endometriosis, Hasthimoto's thyroiditis and hormones featured in 'Case Studies in Personalized Nutrition (Personalized Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine for Healthcare Practitioners)'

“I am honored to have Lorna Driver-Davies as a Senior Nutritional Therapist at Wild Clinics. Not only has Lorna achieved a wealth of experience and knowledge during her time in nutritional therapy, she is also an intuitive and warm-hearted woman who deeply appreciates the unique and multi-dimensional aspects of each client, working with them to reach balance in body mind and spirit. She is a natural extension of the philosophy from which Wild Clinics was born”.

Corinna Kitchen

BA (Hons), MIOBM

Biodynamic Therapy

  • Licensed Biodynamic Psychotherapist
  • 12 years clinical experience
  • Biodynamic massage therapist

    • Biodynamic therapies help to treat unwanted symptoms, support you in challenges you may be facing by creating a safe space for you to explore, share and unload the issues, empowering you to take control and bring joy to your life.

Bio-dynamic Therapy can help with:

  • Personal development
  • Dealing with challenging emotions, loss or relationships
  • Decision making when at a crossroads in life or feeling stuck
  • Creating a space where you feel empowered to take control and bring satisfaction to life
  • Helping you to feel calm and balanced if experiencing stress or worry

Corinna tailors each session - maybe you need to spend time talking about something affecting you mentally or physically or perhaps you have a condition or pain that you need help with. Or, you simply need to stop, rest and let the stresses and strains of life fall away. Once your needs are understood, biodynamic massage treatment will start. Corinna uses a stethoscope to listen to the sounds of your gut. This provides crucial diagnostic feedback and guides effective treatment.

“Over the 14 years of experience i have had in practice i have acquired a deep appreciation of the multidimensional aspect of each human. Simply, we are not what we eat as commonly stated; we are what we eat, believe, experience, think and feel. Corinna's work is quite simply extra-ordinary, she has a gifted ability to talk directly to the soul and support a return to balance at the deepest level. Corinna's work completes our 360 offering at Wild Clinics, working gently yet deeply on those aspects of your thoughts of experiences that may be hindering your ability to health."

Marianne Grechko


Nutritional Therapist

  • Registered naturopathic nutritional therapist
  • Wild Clinics practitioner in London (new location coming soon)
  • 5 years of experience in natural health industry, with 3.5 years as a lead ambassador and product trainer for Wild Nutrition

Key areas of expertise

    • Female hormone support (age 21 > menopausal years)
    • The fertility and pregnancy journey
    • Digestive and gastrointestinal health

Other areas of expertise

  • Stress and fatigue
  • Dealing with challenging emotions, loss or relationships
  • Acne and healthy skin protocols

“Marianne has been a greatly valued member of my team at Wild Nutrition for many years. Her passion for nutrition combined with her innate wisdom and intellect has made her the perfect candidate to train and complete her training in Nutritional Therapy. As a warm-hearted, intuitive and intelligent Nutritional Therapist, Marianne joins and deeply enriches our offering at our London Wild Clinic"


We offer a tiered fee system based on the experience and expertise of the consultant. Typically, our clients require a follow-up appointment in order to discuss any test results or to review a clients progress. If your consultant recommends that you have investigative tests then these may require an additional fee, payable to the clinic or organisation that carries out the tests.



We are currently making positive changes to the way we offer nutritional support at Wild Clinics & Wild Nutrition. If you are currently looking for support, please contact our team on



Wild Clinic, Lewes
East Sussex

Nestled at the foot of the South Downs, our flagship clinic is home to many of our nutritional experts including Henrietta Norton BSc DipNT, Wild Nutrition Founder & Head Technician.

Wild Clinic, London 

New location coming soon.



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