Winter warming Thai Vegetable Curry

Winter warming Thai Vegetable Curry

A deliciously warming and healthy curry using seasonal veg. Ginger root is a powerful nutrient source and hugely beneficial to incorporate into your diet. It's health benefits include anti-inflammatory effects, gastrointestinal distress relief and boosting immune function.


20g fresh ginger, chopped
2 red chillies, chopped
2 sticks lemongrass, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves
2 shallots
Coconut oil
250g diced vegetables (a mixture of carrot, pumpkin/seasonal squashes, sweet potato)
400g can coconut milk
1 tsp. turmeric
Juice of 1 lime
Fresh coriander 


 Sauté the ginger, chilli, lemongrass, garlic, turmeric and shallots in a little coconut oil.

Add the vegetables and then slowly add the coconut milk and simmer for approximately 5 minutes. Season with rock salt, lime juice and coriander.

Serve on brown or wild rice with steamed seasonal greens, such as kale or cavolo nero.