Root Vegetable and Rosemary Tray Bake

Root Vegetable and Rosemary Tray Bake

Root vegetables are great because they fill you up and are high in fibre, supporting a healthy digestive system. Root vegetables are also full of beta-carotene, supporting a strong immune system. There is some truth in the old tale that carrots help you see in the dark as beta-carotene can support healthy vision.


4 large free range chicken breasts skin on, or one large chicken cut into 8 pieces. 
½ butternut squash, unpeeled and cut into large rough pieces, remove the seeds
4 parsnips, peeled and cut into pieces
8 baby new potatoes, cut in half
2 large red peppers, deseeded and roughly chopped
2 large carrots, peeled and cut into large rough pieces
4 spring’s rosemary, chopped, you can also use thyme
3 tbsp rape seed oil
2 tbsp runny, good quality honey
2 tbsp olive oil


Prep time 15 minutes
Cooking time 35 minutes
Serves 4
Preheat oven to fan 190oc

Place your chopped vegetables into your tray along with the rosemary, honey, oil, salt and pepper.

Toss the veg around so they become coated in all the oil and honey.

Rub your chicken with salt and pepper and a little more oil and place into the tray, in and amongst the vegetables.

Place the whole tray into your preheated oven for 35 minutes.