Broccoli and Cashew Soup

Broccoli and Cashew Soup

This is a nutritious soup bursting with aromatic flavour and fresh spices. Delicious for lunch or in the evening. The blended cashew nuts make it deliciously creamy and support antioxidant defences, energy production, bones and blood vessels.


2 pints of water
1 minced garlic clove
10g freshly grated ginger
50g cashew nuts
1 sprig rosemary
1/2 tsp. ground cardamom
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground cloves
1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
1/4 vanilla bean
Pinch of freshly ground black pepper
Pinch of rock salt
600g broccoli chopped into small pieces (include the nutrient rich stem!)
1-3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1-2 tbsp. apple cider Vinegar
Tamari soy sauce to flavour



Combine the water, garlic, ginger, cashews, rosemary, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, vanilla, pepper and salt into a large pot and bring to the boil.

Add the broccoli and boil for 2 minutes until its tender.

Allow to cool until just warm. Whizz in the blender until velvety smooth.

Add in the olive oil & vinegar and process again. Serve hot with a few drops of Tamari soy sauce.