Wildly Nutritious Green Smoothie

Wildly Nutritious Green Smoothie

Treat yourself to a rejuvenating blast of green juice goodness.  This one is a firm Wild Nutrition favourite. It's perfect after a tiring week or to make you feel fresh for the one ahead!
Granny Smith apple
1 stick of celery
Handful of Spinach
A good chunk of fresh Ginger
Blueberries (roughly half a 250g pack)
Half a lime
200ml of coconut water

Optional extras of the Superfood variety:
Chia Seeds
Bee Pollen
Green powder (grasses and algaes)
Coconut butter or oil (we love the butter as it gives a nice creaminess)


Simply wash your fruit + veg, roughly chop and pop everything into a blender.

Serves 2 people or 1 incredibly hungry person.