Warming Beetroot, Orange & Ginger Soup

Warming Beetroot, Orange & Ginger Soup

This is an intensely rich and nourishing soup to dip homemade crusty bread into. The beetroot is rich in iron, beta-cyanin and fibre to encourage the breakdown of built up toxins and removal through the digestive system. Beta-cyanin has been shown to lower blood pressure where it is high, making it the perfect soup if life is particularly demanding. Orange is rich in antioxidant vitamin C for cellular repair and ginger's powerful volatile oils are known to fight bacterial infections as well as ease digestion and encourage circulation.


1 tablespoon of rapeseed or coconut oil
1 onion
1 potato
2.5cm piece of fresh ginger (grated or finely chopped)
grated zest of 1 orange
juice of 2 oranges
3 medium beetroots cooked (boiled or roasted) and cut in to small dices
1.2 chicken or vegetable stock (preferably fresh)
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
A little plain yoghurt



Heat the oil in the pan, add the onion and lightly fry until soft.
Add the potato and ginger and fry for 3 minutes.
Add the orange zest and juice, beetroot, stock and bring to the boil. Simmer for 20 minutes until the potato is tender.
Blend until smooth and season to taste.
Garnish with some more orange zest and a swirl of natural yoghurt