Poached or Scrambled Organic Eggs served on Gluten-free Bread

Poached or Scrambled Organic Eggs served on Gluten-free Bread

Starting your day with a high protein breakfast will keep you satisfied for longer and is beneficial for your energy levels. Eggs are high quality protein because they contain a complete range of amino acids. They also have a complete range of B vitamins. Additionally, egg yolk is a rich source of essential omega-3 fatty acids. Where you can, buy organic eggs which are less likely to be contaminated and are a higher quality nutrient source.


2 organic eggs, poached or scrambled
Gluten-free millet bread
1 tbsp. chopped parsley or chives



Toast 1 slice of millet bread and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.

Gently cook the eggs using coconut oil or a small amount of butter. Chop in some fresh parsley or chives.

For an extra twist add some poached trout or salmon.