Cinnamon, Apple and Raisin Compote

Cinnamon, Apple and Raisin Compote

I find the flavour of this compote develops if you cook it in advance and leave to cool in the fridge over night. Serve it warm or cold with a generous dollop of live organic yogurt(goat’s yogurt if avoiding milk) or with gluten-free porridge. All can be made in advance in batches and frozen.


30g raisins or sultanas
3 strips lemon zest
1 small cinnamon stick, broken in half
150ml water
1 tbsp. of honey
1 apple, sliced
3 dessert apples, peeled and quartered
Juice of 1/2 lemon



Heat the raisins, sultanas, lemon zest, honey, cinnamon stick and water in a saucepan over a low heat until the mixture begins to blend together and become stewed in appearance.

Meanwhile in a bowl mix the apple and lemon juice, and then add to the raisin mixture in the pan. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 5 minutes so that the apple is soft but still holds it shape. Take off the heat and leave to cool.